Event News

Summer 2023 AI Bootcamp for CI Professionals: Software and Data Facing Track (SDFT)

Summer 2023 AI Bootcamp for CI Professionals: Software and Data Facing Track (SDFT)
When: May 16th – June 15th, Tuesday and Thursday, 2-4pm EDT
No meetings the week of May 29th

 This Summer we are building on the CFT by offering an AI bootcamp targeting CI professionals who focus on software stacks and data workflows. If you maintain simulation and data analysis software on shared research computing systems or develop research software in collaboration with researchers; this bootcamp is for you.  But we welcome any of you who would like to learn more. We will provide a deeper dive on the subjects visited in the CFT by walking through the steps in a typical AI pipeline. We’ll cover best practices and state of the art software and tools for ML/DL and we’ll discuss common pitfalls and debugging strategies and tools. Of course, we’ll cover scaling up at each step.  We are also excited to be hosting a special session on AI accelerators during this bootcamp. The session will have guest presenters from SDSC, PSC and HPRC at TAMU to introduce the Voyager Habana Gaudi processors, the Neocortex Cerebrus system, and the ACES II Graphcore IPUs.


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