How many nodes are in the cluster?

The Cluster currently comprises 72 nodes (70 compute,2 head nodes) with a total of 1356 compute cores and close to 7 TB of RAM.
Here is the summary of the compute nodes:

Nodes CPU Cores RAM Hardware Arch Total Nodes
[1 to 33][36 to 39][58 to 68] 16 64 GB Intel SSE (Sandybridge) 48
34,35 64 512GB AMD Opteron 2
41 to 45 20 96GB Intel Haswell 5
[46 to 49][51 to 54][57] 24 128GB Intel Broadwell 9
69,70 24 512GB Intel Broadwell 2

GPU Nodes:

Nodes CPU Cores GPU Info RAM Hardware Arch Total Nodes
40 24 4x K80 128 GB Intel Haswell 1
50 24 2x K80 128 GB Intel Broadwell 1
55 24 2x K80 512 GB Intel Broadwell 1
56 24 2x K80 256 GB Intel Broadwell 1